Why do Surveys Online?
There are numerous advantages of online survey administration and reporting, including:
- Online administration is faster and more convenient than the paper alternative, both from the administrators’ and the users’ perspectives.
- Online administration is cheaper than paper alternatives. There are few or no printing, postage, handling, and data processing costs once the online capability is developed.
- Online administration provides automatic data processing and reporting, providing nearly instantaneous turn-around of final results and real-time reporting of interim results.
- Online administrator features permit continuous monitoring of the administration process, and status updates at will.
- Online administration automatically builds a database and provides comparisons across time and across organizational units.
- Online administration allows for easy changes, modifications, and corrections to materials and processes.
- Each online administration “cycle” adds to cost savings compared to paper administration because development costs are non-recurring.
- Online administration takes full advantage of today’s internet and information technology!